Supervised Learning in Machine Learning


Supervised Learning in Machine Learning


Supervised learning is a machine learning technique where a model learns from labeled data. The dataset consists of input features \((x_1, x_2, x_3)\) and an output label \(y\). The goal is to find a function that maps inputs to correct outputs.

Features and Labels in a Dataset

A dataset consists of examples used to train a model. Each example contains:

  • Features \((x_1, x_2, x_3)\): Input variables describing an observation.
  • Label \(y\): The expected output for a given input.

Example dataset:

Study Hours (x1) Sleep Hours (x2) Practice Tests (x3) Exam Score (y)
1 6 1 45
2 7 2 50
3 5 1 55
4 6 3 65

Supervised Learning Problem Setting

The goal is to find a function \( g(x) \) that predicts \( y \). Given a dataset:

\[ y = f(x_1, x_2, x_3) \]

A possible hypothesis function:

\[ y = 10x_1 + 5x_2 + 3x_3 + 20 \]

Example calculation:

\[ y = 10(4) + 5(6) + 3(3) + 20 = 99 \]

Mathematical Representation

Given \( N \) training examples:

\[ \{(x_{1},y_{1}),…,(x_{N},y_{N})\} \]

The function we seek:

\[ g: X \to Y \]

The learning algorithm minimizes a loss function to find the best \( g \).



Supervised Learning


  • Supervised learning learns from labeled data.
  • It can be used for classification and regression.
  • Common algorithms include Linear Regression and Neural Networks.
  • Used in email filtering, medical diagnosis, etc.


  • Introduction to Machine Learning by Andreas Müller & Sarah Guido
  • Python and Machine Learning by Bernd Klein

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