Array in Python

Array in Python

Array in Python Python does not have in-built array. However, in C/C++ and Java you have learnt array and have expectation that it would be in Python. Further, array also a very important data structure and needs in several applications and algorithm implementations. In Python, there are two ways to create an array. In this

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Tuples in Python

Tuples in Python

Tuples in Python Tuples in Python are ordered collection of items(integer, float, string) which are immutable. The only difference from list you can notice that a tuple in Python is immutable. Further, it uses parenthesis to create a tuple. However, tuples can also be created without parenthesis separated by comma. Now open terminal or jupyter

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List in Python

List in Python

List in Python List in Python is a very powerful data structure which can store any type of data which is supported by Python. It is created using square bracket for example l=[2,4,5.2,’post’,’network’,10] this statement creates a list object of class list, and indexes objects as l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4] and l[5]. If you

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