Linear Programming Problem

Linear Programming Problem Solution in Python

Linear Programming Problem The problem of formulating an objective function and constraints an establishing relationship between variables is called a programming problem (LPP). If objective function and constraints are linear then the problem is called linear programming problem. Example- Sometimes, you come across the situation when you need to optimize your algorithm. If you can […]

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Principal Component Analysis(PCA)

Principal Component Analysis(PCA)

Principal Component Analysis(PCA) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is an unsupervised machine learning feature reduction technique for high-dimensional and correlated data sets. Images and text documents have high dimensional data sets which requires unnecessary computation power and storage. Basic goal of PCA is to select features which have high variance. High variance of a feature indicates

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Inheritance in Object Oriented Programming using Python

Inheritance in Object Oriented Programming using Python

Inheritance in Object Oriented Programming Inheritance is the process of acquiring properties from a father class into a child class. Suppose there are two classes A and B, then if B acquires properties of A i.e variables and methods then B inherits A and this process is called inheritance.   Inheritance in Python Here a

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OpenCV in Python

Computer Vision in Python using OpenCV | Read an Image using OpenCV

Computer Vision- Computer Vision refers to enable computers to understand digital images and videos. Mathematical and signal processing knowledge can help a lot to understand computer vision study field. The computer vision study field requires acquiring information from digital videos and analyzing them using using machine learning, deep learning and other techniques. Moreover, Computer Vision

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