Linear Regression using Gradient Decent

Linear regression

Linear regression  is a supervised learning algorithm and tries to learn a  linear function from a given data set
D={(xi, yi)} where i=1, 2, 3, 4,———–N  where  xis feature vector and
yi is target output. In other words, you will try to find out relationship between xi and yi.

Suppose you want to estimate a line  y=w x + b using a data set D, where w and b are linear regression model parameters. Basically, you want to find out the value of w and b such that the total error is minimum.

Furthermore, we will use a cost function or loss function which will measure how well a model performs.

We will use mean  squared   loss function which is

Mean Squared Error

Cost function



The problem is to find   the     value of b and w such that   the   below   expression’s   value   is   minimum.mean squared error

To find the minimum value of the above mean squared function we will use Gradient Decent algorithm.

What is Gradient Decent algorithm?

Gradient Decent algorithm is an optimization algorithm which finds minimum value of a differentiable function stepping gradient iteratively towards opposite direction.

It will find the value  using below equation

linear regression parameter w

Where    $\alpha$  is learning rate and has range between 0 and 1.

Gradient of Mean Squared Error

Gradient of Mean Squared Error


Mean Squared Error

Similarly we can find

Gradient decent

Values of bi  and wi  will get updated simultaneously.



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