Journal Finder for Publication

To find an appropriate journal for your research paper is crucial.  However, beginners ignore and they send research papers in the random journal. As a consequence, a lot of time and energy consumption. Many publishers provide journal finders for you. That can help to find a suitable journal for your article. Popular publishers, such as  Elsevier and Springer have tools. In which you will enter the title of the research paper and abstract of the article. And finally, you have to select the broad area of the research paper.  Then you will find a list of journals that match with your area.

In this article, I am going to list some journal suggesters or finders that will be very useful for you.

1- Springer Journal Suggester  – This suggester suggests all journals for which  Springer is the publisher or by other publishing houses.


2- Elsevier Journal Finder– You need to enter the research paper title an abstract. You will get a list of journals that match with keywords of your article.


3-IEEE Publication Recommender–  This recommender is from IEEE that suggest journals from IEEE. I which, you need to provide keywords and abstract of the journal or upload the research paper.


4-ACM Journals/Transactions ACM provides search bar to find journals or transactions. If you enter keywords you will find the list of journals.

Conclusion-  In this article, I have listed four reputed group of journals and publishers “journal suggesters”. You need to enter some keywords three of four times, title of the paper and abstract. That will help you to get an idea about journal you are looking for. Furthermore, there are many journals database, such as Scoupas and SCI. Which have indexed a lot of journals in their database. You can also search journals appropriate journals for your article and publish them.

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