
ESP8266 NodeMCU

Glowing LED Using MicroPython on ESP8266 Board

Glowing LED Using MicroPython on ESP8266 Board This is a simple project in which I will glow an LED on esp8266 board  using MircoPython. To start is first of all you need to install Thonny  editor on your system. Download Thonny You can download it form the below link. Therefore, download firmware for esp8266

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Pandas Series Functions min(), max(), mean(), median() and mode()

Panda’s Series- In the last post, I explained how to create a panda’s series. Further,  a pandas series has a lot of   you often need to analyze, visualize and clean data.  In this post, I will be explaining min(), max(), mean(), median(), and mode functions. min() Function- import pandas as pd lst=[2, 4, 6, 8,

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K-Means Clustering Algorithm in Machine Learning

K-Means clustering is an unsupervised   machine learning algorithm which partitions n instances into k clusters by similarity. As K-Means clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm, therefore instances will not have labels. As  K-Means clustering  is an unsupervised learning algorithm, training instances will not have labels. Furthermore, to make you understand K-Means clustering algorithm, I will

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K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm in Machine Learning

K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm (KNN) K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm (KNN) is a very important supervised machine learning algorithm and one should start from this algorithm. It is easy to understand compare to other algorithms and does not involve complex mathematical concepts. In this post, I will explain k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm using Irish flowers data set.   From

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Covariance and Correlation

Covariance and Correlation

Covariance and Correlation- Covariance and correlation both measure linear relationship between two variables.  However, they differ at some points. In this post I will explain covariance and correlation and how they differ from each other. Covariance between two variables is written as Cov(X,Y) and is defined as Calculation of Covariance If you look at the

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Mathematical Operations in Python using Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Python is an object-oriented language and a class can have properties and methods. In this post, I will create a simple class having a constructor __init__() and four methods namely mysum(), mymul(), mydiv() and mysub(). Moreover, they compute addition of two numbers, multiplication of two numbers, division of a number by another and subtraction  of

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