Machine Learning

Random Variable and Probability Mass Function

Random Variable and Probability Mass Function

Random variable   is a very  important concept in probability, statistics, data science and machine learning, one must  learn concept of random variable and related concepts. In this post, I have explained random variable and probability mass function that will help you to have basic understanding of  random variable and probability mass function. To understand random […]

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Servo Motor

Interface Servo Motor With Arduino

Servo Motor Servo motors is a  special type of motor which can not move 360 degrees, however, it can move 180 degrees. Furthermore, it can be used for making smart dustbin project,  smart door lock and  robotic arm. In this project, you will learn  how to  interface Servo motor with Arduino. Below servo moto pins

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Understand classification Problem in Machine Learning

Understand classification Problem in Machine Learning

Basically, there are four types of machine learning algorithms. 1- Supervised Learning Algorithms- In supervised  learning, values of  features and labels or classes are given. Further, Supervised learning algorithms are of two types. 1.1- Regression- In regression numerical values are predicted. 1.2-Classification In classification, labels  are predicted. 2-Unsupervised Learning Algorithms In unsupervised learning, instances have

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Pandas Series Functions min(), max(), mean(), median() and mode()

Panda’s Series- In the last post, I explained how to create a panda’s series. Further,  a pandas series has a lot of   you often need to analyze, visualize and clean data.  In this post, I will be explaining min(), max(), mean(), median(), and mode functions. min() Function- import pandas as pd lst=[2, 4, 6, 8,

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K-Means Clustering Algorithm in Machine Learning

K-Means clustering is an unsupervised   machine learning algorithm which partitions n instances into k clusters by similarity. As K-Means clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm, therefore instances will not have labels. As  K-Means clustering  is an unsupervised learning algorithm, training instances will not have labels. Furthermore, to make you understand K-Means clustering algorithm, I will

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K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm in Machine Learning

K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm (KNN) K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm (KNN) is a very important supervised machine learning algorithm and one should start from this algorithm. It is easy to understand compare to other algorithms and does not involve complex mathematical concepts. In this post, I will explain k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm using Irish flowers data set.   From

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Train a Simple Deep Learning Network using Keras and Iris DataSet

Keras Deep learning framwork is  very popular among researchers and developers which is built at top of Tensorflow. Furthermore, Keras is very handy and easy to use, creating layers and connections is matter of few lines of code.  In this post, I am going to explain, how you can train a simple Deep learning network

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