Understanding Variance: A Practical Example

Understanding Variance: A Practical Example

In our recent Data Science and AI lecture, we explored the concept of variance—a crucial measure in statistics that indicates how spread out a set of data points is around their mean. Today, we’ll dive into a practical example involving a batsman’s scores over ten matches.

The Problem

Let’s consider the following scores:
38, 70, 48, 34, 42, 55, 63, 46, 54, 44

We will calculate the variance and standard deviation of these scores.

Step 1: Calculate the Mean
First, we find the mean (\( \bar{x} \)) of the scores:

\bar{x} = \frac{38 + 70 + 48 + 34 + 42 + 55 + 63 + 46 + 54 + 44}{10} = 48

Step 2: Find the Deviations
Next, we compute the deviations (\( d_i = x_i – \bar{x} \)) from the mean:


 (\( x_i \)) (\( d_i = x_i – 48 \))
38 -10 100
70 22 484
48 0 0
34 -14 196
42 -6 36
55 7 49
63 15 225
46 -2 4
54 6 36
44 -4 16

Step 3: Calculate Variance
Now, we sum the squared deviations:

\sum d_i^2 = 100 + 484 + 0 + 196 + 36 + 49 + 225 + 4 + 36 + 16 = 1126

Using the formula for variance (\( Var(X) \)):

Var(X) = \frac{\sum d_i^2}{n} = \frac{1126}{10} = 112.6

Step 4: Calculate Standard Deviation
Finally, the standard deviation (\( S.D. \)) is the square root of the variance:

S.D. = \sqrt{Var(X)} = \sqrt{112.6} \approx 10.61


variance ex 8



Understanding variance and standard deviation provides valuable insights into data variability. This example illustrates how these concepts can be practically applied to analyze performance metrics in sports.

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